Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Add data to a gambas data grid

Data grid Codes
 This event is raised when the GridView needs the data stored in a specified cell.

    * Row is the cell row.
    * Column is the cell column.

PUBLIC SUB GridView1_Data(Row AS Integer, Column AS Integer)
GridView1.Data.Text = "Gambas " & Row & "," & Column

Adding new records in a Gambas data grid

' Gambas class file

PRIVATE $hConn AS NEW Connection

PRIVATE $res AS Result


PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()

DIM iCount AS Integer

DIM hTable AS Table

DIM rTest AS result

DIM sql AS String

'define the gridview layout

GridView1.header = GridView.Horizontal

GridView1.grid = TRUE

GridView1.Rows.count = 0

GridView1.Columns.count = 2

GridView1.Columns[0].text = "ID"

GridView1.Columns[1].text = "Value"

GridView1.Columns[0].width = 55

GridView1.Columns[1].width = 55

WITH $hConn

    .Type = "sqlite"

    .host = User.home

    .name = ""


'delete an existing test.sqlite

IF Exist(User.home & "/test.sqlite") THEN

    KILL User.home & "/test.sqlite"


'create test.sqlite




'define the table sampleTable

$ = "test.sqlite"


    hTable = $hConn.Tables.Add("sampleTable")

    hTable.Fields.Add("s_seq", db.Integer)

    hTable.Fields.Add("s_rndm", db.Integer)

    hTable.PrimaryKey = ["s_seq"]


'fill the table with generated data


    rTest = $hConn.Create("sampleTable")

    FOR iCount = 1 TO 10000

        rTest!s_seq = iCount

        rTest!s_rndm = Int(Rnd(0, 100))




'read the database

sql = "select s_seq as ID, s_rndm as Value from sampleTable"

$res = $hconn.Exec(sql)






PUBLIC SUB Form_Activate()

'change the rowcount of the gridview from 0 to the number of records.

'This triggers the data handling event

GridView1.Rows.Count = $res.Count



PUBLIC SUB GridView1_Data(Row AS Integer, Column AS Integer)


    GridView1.Data.text = Str($res[GridView1.Columns[column].text])



PUBLIC SUB Form_Close()



Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Gambas mysql

Mysql Gambas db connection

property is null, a database is opened in memory.   If the Name specified is an
absolute path, the pathname is used.  If the Name specified is a relative path and
the Host property is null, the database is located  in the application temporary
directory  /tmp/gambas.$UID/sqlite.     Otherwise,   Host   will   contain   the   database
directory name and the database file path is the result of concatenating the Host
and Name property values.  This class is creatable and the calling convention is:

DIM hConnection AS Connection
hConnection = NEW Connection()
Connection Properties
When   the  hConnection  object   is   instantiated,   it   creates   a   new   void
connection   object.     You   will   then   need   to   set   properties   for   this   object.     The
properties that you can use with a connection object include Charset, Databases,
Host, Login, Password, Name, Port, Tables, Type, Users and  Version.   We will
explain each of these in the following sections.
Charset   is   a   read­only   property   that   returns   the   charset   used   by   the
database.   It is possible for you to store your strings in the database directly in
UTF­8 format.   However, you can also can use this property combined with the
Conv$() subroutine to convert from UTF­8 format to the database charset format.
Using   the   database   charset   comes   at   a   cost   in   performance   however.     This   is
because you must use the Conv$() subroutine each and every time you read or
write string data to the database fields.  For now, this is the only way you can do
this if you want to use the string­based SQL functions and built­in sort routines of
the underlying  database management system (MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite).
Future   versions   of   Gambas  may  automatically   make   the   conversion   between
Gambas strings and the database charset.
The  Databases property  can be checked to obtain a collection object that
will   contain  names  of  all   databases   that  are   managed   by   the   database   server.
Syntax is:
PROPERTY Databases AS .ConnectionDatabases
The   resulting   collection   of   data   (which   is   enumerable   using   the   FOR   EACH
A Beginner's Guide to Gambas
statement) would be the same as if you typed SHOW DATABASES from the mysql
client CLI.

You can use the  Host property  to set or get the host name of where the
database server is located.  The host name can be either a machine name or an IP
address.     The   default   host   is   named   localhost.     In   SQLite,   host   name   is   not
relevant   since   SQLite   is   not   a   client/server   database   sytstem.     However,   from
version 0.95 forward, it is possible for you to set the home path for the SQLite
database by using this property.  Syntax for using the Host property is:
The Login property is used to set or get the user login data that is used for
establishing the connection to the database.   Once again, this applies to MySQL
and PostgreSQL, not SQLite.   Since SQLite has no concept of users, access to a
SQLite database is controlled by the file permission settings of the database file
itself.  This means that the Login property is always going to be set to the user id
of the user that is executing the Gambas program that uses the SQLite database.
Syntax is:
PROPERTY Login AS String
The  Name  property  sets or   gets  the  name   of   the   database   you   want   to
connect to.  If you do not specify a name, a default system database is used.  For
PostgreSQL the default database is named  template1 and for mySQL it is named
mysql.  For SQLite, the default name is /tmp/sqlite.db.  For any database access,
however, the user needs to have at least read and connect access privileges to use
these  databases.     Sqlite   will   locate  the   database  first  by  trying   to  use   the  full
pathname if it has been given.  If not, it will check to see if the Host variable has
been set.  If that is the case, SQLite will look at the path name that was set in the
variable.  If the environment variable GAMBAS_SQLITE_DBHOME has been set,
then SQLite will use that as the current working directory.  It is also possible to
create   and   use   a   database   in   memory   by   setting   the   Name   property   to
“:memory:” rather than “mysql” or “postgresql” or “sqlite”.  Syntax is:

The Password property will return or set the password used for establishing
a connection to the database.  Calling convention is:
PROPERTY Password AS String
The Port property is used to get or set the TCP/IP port used for establishing
the connection to a database.  The default port depends on the connection Type.
Syntax is:
The Tables property is used to obtain a virtual collection that can be used
for managing all of the tables of a database.  Syntax is:
PROPERTY Tables AS .ConnectionTables
The Type property represents the type of the database server you want to
connect to.   In Gambas, the currently supported databasetype are: "postgresql",
"mysql", and "sqlite".  The type property uses this syntax:
The  Users   property  returns   a   collection   of   all   users   registered   in   the
database server.  Like any other collection object, it can be enumerated with FOR
EACH.  Syntax is:
PROPERTY Users AS .ConnectionUsers

The  Version property  is a read­only value that returns the version of the
A Beginner's Guide to Gambas
database that the driver has connected with.  Syntax is:
PROPERTY READ Version AS Integer
The Concept of a Transaction
There are times when the order in which database actions (or queries) are
executed is important.  Sometimes, a program must ensure all queries in a group
are run successfully and in order or process none of them at all.  A classic example
is   taken   from   the   banking   environment.     If   a   given   amount   of   money   (for
example, 100 dollars) is taken from one account and posted to another account,
we would expect the following actions to occur:
UPDATE account1 SET balance = balance ­ 100;
UPDATE account2 SET balance = balance + 100;
Both queries must execute successfully or neither must execute.   Money
cannot   be   transferred   out   of   one   account   and   fail   to   be   posted   to   the   other
account.  Both of these queries form a single transaction that is composed of two
separate   actions   (debit   100   from   account1   and   credit   100   to   account2).     A
transaction  is simply one or more individual database queries grouped together
between  BEGIN  and  COMMIT  statements.   Without a COMMIT statement, the
transaction is not permanent and can be reversed with the ROLLBACK statement.
MySQL automatically commits statements that are not part of a transaction
process.     The   results   of   any   SQL   UPDATE   or   INSERT   statement   that   is   not
preceded   with   BEGIN   will   immediately   be   visible   to   all   connections   to   the
database   because   the   commit   is   automatically   performed.    Within   MySQL,
transactions are only known with “transaction safe” tables (i.e., BDB and InnoDB).
The  other  table  types  COMMIT   immediately.   Most databases that  are  able  to
accomplish this are said to be  ACID­compliant.   The ACID model is one of the
oldest and most important concepts of database theory.  The four goals that must
be   met  for   any   database   to   be   considered   reliable   are  Atomicity,  Consistency,
Isolation and  Durability (ACID).  Let’s examine each of these four characteristics
in detail.
Atomicity  means database modifications must follow an “all or nothing”
rule.     Every   transaction   is   considered   an   “atomic”   unit.     If   any   part   of   the
transaction fails, the entire transaction fails.  It is critical the DBMS maintain the
atomic nature of transactions in any circumstance.

A Beginner's Guide to Gambas

Consistency  states   only   valid   data   will   be   written   to   a   database.     If   a
transaction   is   executed   that   violates   database   consistency   rules,   the   entire
transaction   will   be   rolled   back   and   the   database   will   be   restored   to   a   state
consistent with those rules.   Conversely, if a transaction executes successfully, it
will maintain a state of consistency.
Isolation  requires   multiple   transactions   that   occur   simultaneously   not
impact each other.  For example, if User A issues a transaction against a database
at the same time User B issues a transaction, both transactions should operate on
the   database   in   isolated   bliss.     The   database   should   perform   one   transaction
before   the   other.     This   prevents   a   transaction   from   reading   intermediate   data
produced as a side effect of another transaction.  Isolation does not ensure either
transaction will execute first, just that they will not interfere with each other.
Durability ensures any transaction committed to the database will not be
lost.     This   is   accomplished   via   database   backups   and   transaction   logs   that
facilitate restoration of committed transactions despite any subsequent failures.
Now, let's take a look at Gambas Connection class methods available to you in
your programs.
Connection Class Methods
The  Connection   class  provides   most   of   the   methods   you   will   need   to
establish a connection to a database and execute one or more transactions to find,
add, change, or delete data. 
The Open method is used to open a connection to the database.  Prior to
making the call to Open, you should set the connection properties with the data
necessary to use the database.  Generally, at a minimum you will need to specify
the type of database, the host, a login ID and password, and  the name of the
database you wish to use.  The syntax for open is:
FUNCTION Open ( ) AS Boolean
The code example below shows how to use the Open method to connect
user  jrittinghouse  to a MySQL database named “GambasBugs” that is stored on
Host localhost:
DIM $hConn As NEW Connection
A Beginner's Guide to Gambas
WITH $hConn
   .Type = "mysql"
   .Host = "localhost"
   .Login = "jrittinghouse"
   .Password = "ab32e44"
   .Name = "GambasBugs"
TRY $hConn.Open
IF Error THEN PRINT "Database cannot be opened. Error = "; Error.Text
To close the connection, simply invoke the Close method.  In our example above,
you could use this code:
and the connection would be closed.  In order to subsequently use any data stored
in the database, you would need to re­open the database using the Open method.
As we stated previously, a transaction is one or more individual database
queries   that   are   grouped   together   between   BEGIN   and   COMMIT   statements.
Without   a   COMMIT   statement,   the   transaction   is   not   permanent   and   can   be
reversed   with  a  ROLLBACK  statement.      Remember   that MySQL   automatically
commits statements that are not part of a transaction process (defined by BEGIN
and COMMIT).  In Gambas, it is recommended that you use the Find, Create, and
Edit   methods   to   make   changes   to   the   database.     This   helps  to   maintain   code
independence and it allows you to write a single piece of code that will work with
any database supported by Gambas.   Gambas uses a  result object  to return the
results of a SQL query. 
The   Find   method   returns   a   read­only  Result   object  used   for   querying
records in the specified table.  The calling convention for Find is:
FUNCTION Find (Table AS String [, Request AS String, Arguments AS , ... ] ) AS Result
Request  represents a  SQL WHERE statement  that is used for querying the
table.    Arguments  are   quoted   as   necessary   (dictated   by   SQL   syntax),   and
substituted inside the Request string.   It works like the Subst() function in this

A Beginner's Guide to Gambas

case.  Using the Find method allows you to write requests that are independent of
the underlying database, meaning it will work with PostgreSQL or MySQL without
any code change required.
The Create method is used to build a read/write Result object which can
used to create records in a table.  Standard calling convention is:
FUNCTION Create ( Table AS String ) AS Result
The Edit method returns a read/write Result object used for editing records
in the specified table.   Query  is equivalent to an embedded SQL WHERE clause
used for filtering the table, and the Arguments are quoted as needed by the SQL
syntax and substituted in the Request string (like in sscanf in C) as we explained
previously.  Standard calling convention is:
FUNCTION Edit ( Table AS String [ , Query AS String, Arguments AS , ... ] ) AS Result
Here is a code sample to show how Edit() works:
DIM MyResult AS Result
DIM sQuery AS String
DIM iParm AS Integer
sQuery = "id=&1"
' we will insert a parameter value (12) at the end of the query string
iParm = 12
MyResult=$hConn.Edit("tblDEFAULT", sQuery, iParm)
MyResult!Name = "Mr Rittinghouse" ' Set a field value
$hConn.Update ' Update with the new value
$hConn.Commit ' make the changes permanent
$hConn.Close  ' close the database connection
The Exec method executes a SQL request and returns a read­only Result
object containing the result of the request.  Standard calling convention is:
FUNCTION Exec ( Request AS String, Arguments AS , ... ) AS Result

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Gambas DB connection

A Beginner's Guide to Gambas
property is null, a database is opened in memory.   If the Name specified is an
absolute path, the pathname is used.  If the Name specified is a relative path and
the Host property is null, the database is located  in the application temporary
directory  /tmp/gambas.$UID/sqlite.     Otherwise,   Host   will   contain   the   database
directory name and the database file path is the result of concatenating the Host
and Name property values.  This class is creatable and the calling convention is:
DIM hConnection AS Connection
hConnection = NEW Connection()
Connection Properties
When   the  hConnection  object   is   instantiated,   it   creates   a   new   void
connection   object.     You   will   then   need   to   set   properties   for   this   object.     The
properties that you can use with a connection object include Charset, Databases,
Host, Login, Password, Name, Port, Tables, Type, Users and  Version.   We will
explain each of these in the following sections.
Charset   is   a   read­only   property   that   returns   the   charset   used   by   the
database.   It is possible for you to store your strings in the database directly in
UTF­8 format.   However, you can also can use this property combined with the
Conv$() subroutine to convert from UTF­8 format to the database charset format.
Using   the   database   charset   comes   at   a   cost   in   performance   however.     This   is
because you must use the Conv$() subroutine each and every time you read or
write string data to the database fields.  For now, this is the only way you can do
this if you want to use the string­based SQL functions and built­in sort routines of
the underlying  database management system (MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite).
Future   versions   of   Gambas  may  automatically   make   the   conversion   between
Gambas strings and the database charset.
The  Databases property  can be checked to obtain a collection object that
will   contain  names  of  all   databases   that  are   managed   by   the   database   server.
Syntax is:
PROPERTY Databases AS .ConnectionDatabases
The   resulting   collection   of   data   (which   is   enumerable   using   the   FOR   EACH
A Beginner's Guide to Gambas
statement) would be the same as if you typed SHOW DATABASES from the mysql
client CLI.

You can use the  Host property  to set or get the host name of where the
database server is located.  The host name can be either a machine name or an IP
address.     The   default   host   is   named   localhost.     In   SQLite,   host   name   is   not
relevant   since   SQLite   is   not   a   client/server   database   sytstem.     However,   from
version 0.95 forward, it is possible for you to set the home path for the SQLite
database by using this property.  Syntax for using the Host property is:
The Login property is used to set or get the user login data that is used for
establishing the connection to the database.   Once again, this applies to MySQL
and PostgreSQL, not SQLite.   Since SQLite has no concept of users, access to a
SQLite database is controlled by the file permission settings of the database file
itself.  This means that the Login property is always going to be set to the user id
of the user that is executing the Gambas program that uses the SQLite database.
Syntax is:
PROPERTY Login AS String
The  Name  property  sets or   gets  the  name   of   the   database   you   want   to
connect to.  If you do not specify a name, a default system database is used.  For
PostgreSQL the default database is named  template1 and for mySQL it is named
mysql.  For SQLite, the default name is /tmp/sqlite.db.  For any database access,
however, the user needs to have at least read and connect access privileges to use
these  databases.     Sqlite   will   locate  the   database  first  by  trying   to  use   the  full
pathname if it has been given.  If not, it will check to see if the Host variable has
been set.  If that is the case, SQLite will look at the path name that was set in the
variable.  If the environment variable GAMBAS_SQLITE_DBHOME has been set,
then SQLite will use that as the current working directory.  It is also possible to
create   and   use   a   database   in   memory   by   setting   the   Name   property   to
“:memory:” rather than “mysql” or “postgresql” or “sqlite”.  Syntax is:
A Beginner's Guide to Gambas
The Password property will return or set the password used for establishing
a connection to the database.  Calling convention is:
PROPERTY Password AS String
The Port property is used to get or set the TCP/IP port used for establishing
the connection to a database.  The default port depends on the connection Type.
Syntax is:
The Tables property is used to obtain a virtual collection that can be used
for managing all of the tables of a database.  Syntax is:
PROPERTY Tables AS .ConnectionTables
The Type property represents the type of the database server you want to
connect to.   In Gambas, the currently supported databasetype are: "postgresql",
"mysql", and "sqlite".  The type property uses this syntax:
The  Users   property  returns   a   collection   of   all   users   registered   in   the
database server.  Like any other collection object, it can be enumerated with FOR
EACH.  Syntax is:
PROPERTY Users AS .ConnectionUsers

The  Version property  is a read­only value that returns the version of the
A Beginner's Guide to Gambas
database that the driver has connected with.  Syntax is:
PROPERTY READ Version AS Integer
The Concept of a Transaction
There are times when the order in which database actions (or queries) are
executed is important.  Sometimes, a program must ensure all queries in a group
are run successfully and in order or process none of them at all.  A classic example
is   taken   from   the   banking   environment.     If   a   given   amount   of   money   (for
example, 100 dollars) is taken from one account and posted to another account,
we would expect the following actions to occur:
UPDATE account1 SET balance = balance ­ 100;
UPDATE account2 SET balance = balance + 100;
Both queries must execute successfully or neither must execute.   Money
cannot   be   transferred   out   of   one   account   and   fail   to   be   posted   to   the   other
account.  Both of these queries form a single transaction that is composed of two
separate   actions   (debit   100   from   account1   and   credit   100   to   account2).     A
transaction  is simply one or more individual database queries grouped together
between  BEGIN  and  COMMIT  statements.   Without a COMMIT statement, the
transaction is not permanent and can be reversed with the ROLLBACK statement.
MySQL automatically commits statements that are not part of a transaction
process.     The   results   of   any   SQL   UPDATE   or   INSERT   statement   that   is   not
preceded   with   BEGIN   will   immediately   be   visible   to   all   connections   to   the
database   because   the   commit   is   automatically   performed.    Within   MySQL,
transactions are only known with “transaction safe” tables (i.e., BDB and InnoDB).
The  other  table  types  COMMIT   immediately.   Most databases that  are  able  to
accomplish this are said to be  ACID­compliant.   The ACID model is one of the
oldest and most important concepts of database theory.  The four goals that must
be   met  for   any   database   to   be   considered   reliable   are  Atomicity,  Consistency,
Isolation and  Durability (ACID).  Let’s examine each of these four characteristics
in detail.
Atomicity  means database modifications must follow an “all or nothing”
rule.     Every   transaction   is   considered   an   “atomic”   unit.     If   any   part   of   the
transaction fails, the entire transaction fails.  It is critical the DBMS maintain the
atomic nature of transactions in any circumstance.
A Beginner's Guide to Gambas
Consistency  states   only   valid   data   will   be   written   to   a   database.     If   a
transaction   is   executed   that   violates   database   consistency   rules,   the   entire
transaction   will   be   rolled   back   and   the   database   will   be   restored   to   a   state
consistent with those rules.   Conversely, if a transaction executes successfully, it
will maintain a state of consistency.
Isolation  requires   multiple   transactions   that   occur   simultaneously   not
impact each other.  For example, if User A issues a transaction against a database
at the same time User B issues a transaction, both transactions should operate on
the   database   in   isolated   bliss.     The   database   should   perform   one   transaction
before   the   other.     This   prevents   a   transaction   from   reading   intermediate   data
produced as a side effect of another transaction.  Isolation does not ensure either
transaction will execute first, just that they will not interfere with each other.
Durability ensures any transaction committed to the database will not be
lost.     This   is   accomplished   via   database   backups   and   transaction   logs   that
facilitate restoration of committed transactions despite any subsequent failures.
Now, let's take a look at Gambas Connection class methods available to you in
your programs.
Connection Class Methods
The  Connection   class  provides   most   of   the   methods   you   will   need   to
establish a connection to a database and execute one or more transactions to find,
add, change, or delete data. 
The Open method is used to open a connection to the database.  Prior to
making the call to Open, you should set the connection properties with the data
necessary to use the database.  Generally, at a minimum you will need to specify
the type of database, the host, a login ID and password, and  the name of the
database you wish to use.  The syntax for open is:
FUNCTION Open ( ) AS Boolean
The code example below shows how to use the Open method to connect
user  jrittinghouse  to a MySQL database named “GambasBugs” that is stored on
Host localhost:
DIM $hConn As NEW Connection

Friday, February 24, 2012

Gridview1 or gambas data grid

Gridview and the Data Handling in gambas Event

Here is another short tutorial based around database work under Gambas. I think Gambas is a marvelous data manipulation tool. I suspect it has greater facility than the so-called 4th Generation ‘application generators’ I was using not so long ago.
The tutorial highlights a feature of gridview display which saves huge amounts of time when displaying large databases. The feature is actually used in the Gambas database example so is nothing original. I do find with a lot of Gambas examples that the the example author tries too hard to show too many capabilities with the result that the example itself becomes confusing.
The following Gambas2 code:
1 Deletes a file test.sqlite in the users home directory (if it exists).
2 Creates an SQLite database test.sqlite and defines a table sampleTable with two integer fields, one a sequence (yes, I know SQLite does that internally anyway!) and the other a random number.
3 Fills the table with 10000 records.
4 Displays the results in a gridview.
On Gambas you need nothing more than a gridview (gridview1) on an otherwise empty form. The only interesting bit that may need explanation is the GridView1_Data event. This is called to fill an empty gridview cell as it is exposed (by scrolling). It saves having to load all 10000 records into the gridview with the time penalty that would imply.
Here is the code for FMain.class:

01' Gambas class file
02PRIVATE $hConn AS NEW Connection
03PRIVATE $res AS Result
05PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()
06  DIM iCount AS Integer
07  DIM hTable AS Table
08  DIM rTest AS result
09  DIM sql AS String
11  'define the gridview layout
12  GridView1.header = GridView.Horizontal
13  GridView1.grid = TRUE
14  GridView1.Rows.count = 0
15  GridView1.Columns.count = 2
16  GridView1.Columns[0].text = "ID"
17  GridView1.Columns[1].text = "Value"
18  GridView1.Columns[0].width = 55
19  GridView1.Columns[1].width = 55
22  WITH $hConn
23    .Type = "sqlite"
24    .host = User.home
25    .name = ""
28  'delete an existing test.sqlite 
29  IF Exist(User.home & "/test.sqlite") THEN
30    KILL User.home & "/test.sqlite"
33  'create test.sqlite
34  $hConn.Open
35    $hConn.Databases.Add("test.sqlite")
36  $hconn.Close
38  'define the table sampleTable
39  $ = "test.sqlite"
40  $hConn.Open
41    hTable = $hConn.Tables.Add("sampleTable")
42    hTable.Fields.Add("s_seq", db.Integer)
43    hTable.Fields.Add("s_rndm", db.Integer)
44    hTable.PrimaryKey = ["s_seq"]
45    hTable.Update
47  'fill the table with generated data
48  $hconn.Begin
49    rTest = $hConn.Create("sampleTable")
50    FOR iCount = 1 TO 10000
51      rTest!s_seq = iCount
52      rTest!s_rndm = Int(Rnd(0, 100))
53      rTest.Update
54    NEXT
55  $hConn.Commit
57  'read the database
58  sql = "select s_seq as ID, s_rndm as Value from sampleTable"
59  $res = $hconn.Exec(sql)
62    $hConn.Rollback
63    Message.Error(DConv(Error.Text))
67PUBLIC SUB Form_Activate()
68  'change the rowcount of the gridview from 0 to the number of records.
69  'This triggers the data handling event
70  GridView1.Rows.Count = $res.Count 
73PUBLIC SUB GridView1_Data(Row AS Integer, Column AS Integer)
74  $res.moveTo(row)
75  GridView1.Data.text = Str($res[GridView1.Columns[column].text])
78PUBLIC SUB Form_Close()
79  $hconn.Close
We initially set the row count of the gridview to 0. Having read the database into result $res, it will have 10000 records. In other words $res.count=10000. Setting GridView1.Rows.Count = $res.Count will make the gridview (which you have put on the form) a window to this grid of 1000 rows by 2 columns. The fact that empty cells are now displayed in this window to a much bigger grid causes the gridview object to repeatedly call Gridview1_data for each empty cell in view. The event then fills the value of the blank cell from the equivalent value in the result set. In no time at all every blank cell is filled with the corresponding data from the result set.
If you scroll down the gridview, it exposes empty cells in the grid which are automatically filled by the data handling event. And so on.
You could load all the available data into the gridview in one step but it would take an unacceptably long time. This method gives the impression of blinding speed by only loading the gridview cell values which are visible. It’s just so clever.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Gambas datagrid

Gambas data grid code not connected to a database

Private Sub PopulateCharges()
         Dim intRow As Integer = 0
         Dim strType As String = ""

         If rsCharges.Available Then
                 grdCharge.Rows.Count = rsCharges.Count
                 For Each rsCharges
                         grdCharge[intRow, 0].Text = rsCharges!unique_id
                         grdCharge[intRow, 1].Text = rsCharges!charge_source
                         grdCharge[intRow, 2].Text = rsCharges!charge_type
                         grdCharge[intRow, 3].Text = rsCharges!charge_start
                         grdCharge[intRow, 4].Text = rsCharges!charge_end
                         grdCharge[intRow, 5].Text =
                         Inc intRow
                 modMain.UpdateStatus(rsCharges.Count & " Charge records
                 grdCharge.Row = intRow - 1
             Message.Error(Error.Class.Name & ": " & Error.Where & ": "
& Error.Text)

I assume you have got your recordset (rsCharges) from the Db. You ned to
check how many rows are need in the grid and set this. Then populate
each row and column as above.

Gambas Sample data grid program mysql db connected

' Gambas class file
PUBLIC MyConn AS Connection 
PUBLIC vCari AS String 

PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()

  DIM iCount AS Integer
  DIM hTable AS Table
  DIM sql AS String
  DIM rsSuperMarket AS Result
  DIM intRow AS Integer = 0
  DIM strType AS String = ""

  'define the gridview layout

  GridView1.header = GridView.Horizontal
  GridView1.grid = TRUE
  GridView1.Rows.count = 2
  GridView1.Columns.count = 4
  GridView1.Columns[0].text = "Pin"
  GridView1.Columns[1].text = "Description"
  GridView1.Columns[2].text = "Quantity"
  GridView1.Columns[3].text = "Prize"
  GridView1.Columns[0].width = 100
  GridView1.Columns[1].width = 100
  GridView1.Columns[2].width = 100
  GridView1.Columns[3].width = 100

  'define the table SuperMarket for the data grid to be able to read. My 'SuperMarketInventory, database has four records(Pin, Description, Quantity and Prize.)
rsSuperMarket is the variable where records from MYSQL pass through.

  rsSuperMarket = MyConn.Exec("SELECT * FROM SuperMarket") 'executing query
   IF rsSuperMarket.Available THEN
                 GridView1.Rows.Count = rsSuperMarket.Count
                 FOR EACH rsSuperMarket
                       GridView1[intRow, 0].Text = rsSuperMarket!Pin
                       GridView1[intRow, 1].Text = rsSuperMarket!Description
                       GridView1[intRow, 2].Text = rsSuperMarket!Quantity
                       GridView1[intRow, 3].Text = rsSuperMarket!Prize
'INC intRow is a very important code that fills the table with generated data.
        INC intRow

          MyConn.Quote(rsSuperMarket.Count & " Charge records returned")

PUBLIC SUB Label1_MouseDown()



PUBLIC SUB Label2_MouseDown()



PUBLIC SUB txtPin_Leave()


PUBLIC SUB txtPin_KeyPress()


PUBLIC SUB btnClear_Click()

  txtPin.text = "" 
  txtDescription.text = "" 
  txtQuantity.text = "" 
  txtPrize.text = ""

PRIVATE SUB clear() 
  txtPin.text = "" 
  txtDescription.text = "" 
  txtQuantity.text = "" 
  txtPrize.text = ""

PUBLIC SUB _new() 

  MyConn = NEW Connection 
  MyConn.Type = "mysql" 
  MyConn.Host = "localhost" 
  MyConn.Login = "root" 
  MyConn.Password = "1111" 
  MyConn.Name = "SuperMarketInventory" 

PUBLIC SUB _free() 
Message.Info("Close. ") 
#  'End of program 

PUBLIC SUB btnClose_Click()



PUBLIC SUB btnAdd_Click()

     DIM MyRS AS String 
     DIM sql AS String
     MyRS = "insert into Super (Pin, Description, Quantity, Prize )values( '" & 
            txtPin.text & "','" & txtDescription.text & "','" & txtQuantity.text & "','" &
            txtPrize.text & "')" 
     MyRS = MyConn.Exec(sql) 
     sql = "update Super set " 
     sql = sql & "Pin = '" & 
     sql = sql & "',Description = '" & 
     sql = sql & "',Quantity = '" & 
     sql = sql & "',Prize = '" & txtPrize.text & "' where Pin = " & vCari 
     MyRS = MyConn.Exec(sql) 



PUBLIC SUB btnCreateTable_Click()
  DIM hTable AS Table = "SuperMarketInventory"
  hTable = MyConn.Tables.Add("SuperMarket")
  hTable.Fields.Add("Pin", db.Integer)
  hTable.Fields.Add("Description", db.String)
  hTable.Fields.Add("Quantity", db.Integer)
  hTable.Fields.Add("Prize", db.Integer)